Posted Date: 11/11/2020
Blanco ISD Families,
As a district, we have been monitoring closely the Covid-19 situation in our community. As you are aware, when making decisions we have to consider our staff and student's safety first and foremost. We have determined that it is in the best interest of our staff and students to shift all instruction on all campuses to a remote learning environment.
We will begin asynchronous remote learning Thursday, November 12th. We will continue asynchronous remote learning through next week and end on Friday, November 20th.
The school calendar indicates a student holiday next Wednesday, November 18th. As a district, all students will continue to have a holiday on November 18th as planned.
Please plan to use this time to keep yourself and your family safe and healthy. Staff will be available via email if you have any questions or concerns.
Clay Rosenbaum
Blanco ISD Superintendent